Set, implement and achieve your sustainability goals

Organisations are increasingly expected to manage sustainability matters not only internally but also together with stakeholders, with a focus on limiting negative consequences for the environment and society while carrying out sustainable value creation and business. In the long run, companies that integrate sustainability into the core of their business will strengthen their reputation and value creation.  Our experts can help identify strategic opportunities that add value and implement changes as part of your company’s operations. We help set ambitious goals for sustainability and climate action and integrate sustainability aspects into the business operations and management.

Our professionals guide you for example in the following tasks:

When the greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint is known, the next step in climate responsibility work is to reduce emissions. For this purpose, we need to define the emissions reduction targets and identify the emissions reduction measures that support them. This is called an emissions reduction pathway or climate roadmap, which supports the company in achieving its targets. It allows the company to optimally schedule the necessary emissions reduction measures and the investments that support them, as well as to anticipate future measures and the stricter requirements of the industry and customers.

Nordic Impact helps companies and communities set and achieve concrete emissions reduction targets. We advise on the application of best practices and finding climate-smart practices. We are also familiar with the international frameworks and directives for building a climate strategy. We carry out every project for our clients in accordance with international standards and guidelines, as well as best practices.

Reducing emissions: targets and the Science Based Targets initiative

Emissions reduction targets can be set for the short and long term. The short term may mean the next 1–5 years, for example, and the long-term target year may be 2035, the year Finland has set as its goal for carbon neutrality. The emissions reduction target may be a certain percentage or tonnage of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous year or achieving carbon neutrality/net zero in the longer term, for example.

However, it is important that the emissions reduction targets are aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is required by the CSRD Reporting Directive, which will enter into force from the beginning of 2024. The most internationally known and used reference framework supporting the one-and-a-half-degree target is the Science Based Targets (SBTi).

The Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative helps companies set sufficiently ambitious science-based climate targets. To achieve them, the SBT initiative encourages and helps companies develop their own climate work to lower their emissions and work in closer cooperation with their own subcontractors and partners in the value chain. Incorporating science-based targets into a company’s climate strategy will help prevent the worst impacts of climate change, but they will also support the growth of climate-friendly business.

The Science Based Targets initiative identifies best practices for setting goals and publishes guidelines for their creation across industries. If the company wishes to join the SBT initiative and commit to its science-based objectives, the company must submit the required documents to the SBTi organisation, which will be assessed and approved by the independent organisation behind SBTi according to its strict criteria.

Joining the SBT initiative requires, among other things, calculating the company’s carbon footprint in accordance with the greenhouse gas emissions protocol (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) and setting ambitious, credible and transparent emission reductions targets in accordance with the SBT initiative’s framework.

Nordic Offset implements the surveys and emissions reduction target modelling calculations required by the Science Based Target initiative expertly and reliably. Our service also always includes the identification and consultation of emissions reduction measures. In addition, our experts will support your business in the SBT sign-up process from start to finish.

If your company does not yet wish to commit to the SBT initiative, but you want to tentatively determine the emissions reduction targets that are right for your company, we can prepare a lighter report based on the science-based targets framework.

Want to hear more about setting emissions reduction targets? Get in touch with our experienced professionals to discuss the right solutions for your business.

Scenario analyses (IFRS/TCFD)

Climate, changing markets, consumer preferences, technological development and regulation are examples of drivers that create uncertainty in business planning in the short, medium, and long term. Scenario analysis is a useful tool that helps companies prepare for various future opportunities and risks.

Scenario work is a process of outlining and describing possible future developments. We help your organisation prepare a climate scenario analysis that meets the requirements of stakeholders and regulations. Our approach meets the guidelines of the IFRS/TCFD standard.

This work helps your organisation prepare for potential climate-related risks and identify new business opportunities. The results of the scenario analysis can also be used for climate reporting in accordance with the E1 requirement under the CSRD.

Our experts help you establish a work plan for a scenario analysis appropriate to your organisation’s level of readiness and ambition. The scenario analysis can be carried out gradually, starting from a qualitative review and moving towards a quantitative analysis.


In 2018, a Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was set up by the Financial Stability Board to oversee the stability of the global financial system. Thanks to the TCFD, a common language for climate reporting has been developed, based on financial materiality and capital market needs. This language has since been integrated into corporate reporting regulation and standards.

Since 2023, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), established by the IFRS Foundation, has taken responsibility for promoting the TCFD initiative and is extending IFRS standards to include sustainability disclosures.

The draft standard IFRS S2 Climate Disclosures prepared by the ISSB is based on the content defined by the TCFD recommendation and the industry-specific sustainability reporting standards previously defined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

Sustainability strategies and programmes and their development

We support our customers in developing sustainability strategies and programmes. Our goal is to help our customers build and implement effective strategies and programmes that promote environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance.

Our service covers the following areas:

  • Strategy development: We work with our customers to create a clear and comprehensive sustainability strategy aligned with their business goals. This includes the definition of a vision and objectives as well as an action plan for the implementation of the strategy.
  • Design and implementation of programmes: We help our customers develop and implement concrete sustainability programmes. These programmes and measures aim to achieve the set strategic objectives.
  • Measurement and monitoring: We provide tools and methods for collecting, analysing, and reporting on sustainability information, which helps to monitor the strategy and the progress of the programmes. This will help to identify the results achieved and potential areas for improvement.
  • Support for continuous improvement: We are committed to supporting our customers in their sustainability efforts in the long term. We provide advice and resources to help our customers continuously develop and update their sustainability strategies and programmes to meet changing needs and expectations. Together, we aim to create sustainable value that benefits both the organisation and its stakeholders.