Nordic Offset Ltd helps businesses and communities manage their carbon footprint

As the first company to bring voluntary carbon offsetting services widely available in Finland in 2008, we continue to pioneer the field in our local Nordic region. Nordic Offset Oy offers environmental management consulting, commercial emission reductions and permanent emission removals (sink increases) from voluntary emissions trading markets.

Our range of services and calculation tools enables businesses, corporations and communities to recognize their impact on the climate, calculate and reduce their carbon footprint and voluntarily offset carbon emissions. At the same time, our customers can become aware of the size of their carbon footprint and learn how to reduce unnecessary consumption. We help businesses in turning environmental management into competitive advantage.

Carbon footprint calculations

Nordic Offset helps clients to define and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions from business activities, production and travel. Carbon footprint calculations are based on industry standards such as the GHG Protocol guidance, based on long term development work by World Resource Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and ISO standards on LCA (life cycle assessment), namely, 14040, 14044, 14067, 14069 and product carbon footprint related standard PAS2050.

Carbon emissions offsetting

Carbon emission offsetting is an established mechanism to generate voluntary funds for sustainable development. It is based on the principles of the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol set under the United Nations.

Offsetting is done by purchasing emission reductions, and/ or permanent emission removals (carbon sink increases) in relation to emissions emitted ”tonne for tonne”, from carbon emission reducing sustainable energy projects, or from projects that increase permanent carbon sinks. These projects are typically implemented in developing countries which usually have no regulated emission reduction targets. In accordance with premium standards, Verified Emission Reductions (VER) come from projects of cleaner technology that replace polluting production or projects that increase carbon sinks/ storage. The free market determines the emission reduction price rate, which is conveyed into tradable credits.

By reducing unnecessary consumption and by offsetting unavoidable emissions, carbon footprint management efforts can effectively slow down the progression of climate change, and companies can take steps towards carbon neutrality. At the same time, you will accelerate sustainable development, promoting the development of projects in places where they would otherwise not come to pass.

We primarily offer Gold Standard (GS) certified emission reduction credits from the voluntary carbon markets. In addition we are currently developing standardized methodologies for emission reductions and permanent carbon credit removals for projects in Finland.

Our Carbon emission offsetting services

We offer tailored calculation and offsetting services for businesses including offsetting for air travel and vehicles, offsetting for products and services and offsetting for the workplace and events.

Contact Us

Tel. +358 10 340 0080

Reference cases

Nordic Impact carried out a double materiality assessment (DMA) for Innoflame in accordance with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Innoflame Oy, the market leader of brand products and employee gift sales in Finland, selected Nordic Impact’s expert team to carry out a double materiality assessment (DMA) of its business. The work identified which sustainability topics according…

Nordic Offset carried out a verification of the emission reduction potential as well as an ESG due diligence analysis for the Finnish Climate Fund

The Finnish Climate Fund has granted a EUR 10 million subordinated loan to Paptic Oy, a manufacturer of wood-based packaging materials, to accelerate the adoption of packaging materials that will replace plastic. Nordic Offset carried out an…

Nordic Offset designed science-based climate targets for Cinia

The experts at Nordic Offset designed Cinia’s short-term and long-term emission reduction targets based on the international Science-based targets initiative (SBTi). The purpose of the initiative is to promote climate actions in the private sector…

Confederation of Finnish Industries’ in cooperation with Nordic Offset

Nordic Offset has calculated the carbon footprint of the Confederation of Finnish Industries’ (EK) own operations. Based on the calculation results, emission reduction measures towards carbon-neutral operation were planned. EK is a Finnish…

Encore Environmental Services’ positive impact on the environment is manifold in comparison to its carbon footprint

Nordic Offset has measured the carbon footprint and handprint of the operation of Encore Environmental Services. In 2020, their operation’s positive impact on the environment, also known as the carbon handprint, is over 26 times more than their…

Emission calculation and offset scenarios for the Erasmus+ programme

Together with the Finnish National Agency for Education, Nordic Offset has assessed the greenhouse gas emissions and their compensation options of the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the assessment was to provide information on how to reduce…

Elisa will be the first carbon neutral operator in the Nordics

Elisa is becoming the first carbon neutral Nordic telecom operator – Nordic Offset as a partner.   Reducing carbon dioxide emissions has been part of Elisa’s strategy since 2009. Among Elisa’s climate goals is to reduce…

Sello – Finland’s first carbon neutral shopping center property already in 2019

Sello shopping center has long been working on studying and reducing the environmental impact of the shopping center property. Energy savings, renewable energy and carbon-neutral waste management have significantly reduced Sello's carbon dioxide…

Lujabetoni launches carbon-neutral ready-mix concrete, which is emission-compensated

Lujabetoni is the first company in Finland to offer its customers the opportunity to buy CO2-compensated ready-mixed concrete. Compensation is made through certified emission reductions and increases the price of ready-mixed concrete by about 5%.…

Slush compensates its carbon footprint by tackling deforestation

The world's leading startup event Slush embarks on a journey towards carbon neutrality with Nordic Offset. The Slush sustainability team reports: "In 2019, Slush conducted its first third party carbon footprint calculation covering emissions from…

L&T with Nordic Offset – carbon neutral waste management for pioneering companies

Lassila & Tikanoja has actively seeked to reduce the carbon emissions of its transportation operations by improving route efficiency, improving driving habits and shifting to low-emission vehicles and fuels. In addition, L&T's recycling…

University of Helsinki compensates for air travel emissions with Nordic Offset

The University of Helsinki has decided to compensate for the emissions generated by its employees’ air travel in 2018 using Nordic Offset’s service. In 2018 the total amount of kilometres flown with tickets purchased from CWT, the University’s…

Towards more responsible Nordqvist Tea. The carbon footprint of Nature Tea Series was calculated and compensated by Nordic Offset

Nordqvist believes in high quality, good-tasting tea and beautiful packaging but first and foremost, Nordqvist wants tea to be produced responsibly. Offsetting carbon footprint is Nordqvist's way of tackling climate change and driving the company…